Top Mobile App Development Frameworks
Factors to Consider While Choosing a Mobile App Development Framework
> Speed
> Platform Featured
> Security
> Post-launch Update
> Boosts Efficiency
Tilted Brush Stroke
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Flutter is a portable UI framework used for creating user friendly, natively-compiled mobile apps.
Chat Box
Latest Version: 3.3.10
Flutter Features:
> SDK & widget-based UI library
> Cross-platform app development
Ionic is a popular open-source framework for creating cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Latest Version: 6.4.0
Ionic Features:
> The user interface is uniform
> Multi-platform app development
Xamarin is a popular open source framework used for developing Android, iOS, macOS, and watchOS apps.
Latest Version: 5.0.0
Xamarin Features:
> Multi-device compatibility
> Rapid Progress
React Native
Latest Version: 0.70
React Native Features:
React Native is one of the open-source UI software frameworks, developed by Meta Platforms, Inc.
> Reusable component
> Third-party extension compatibility
Latest Version: 8.0
Nativescript Features:
NativeScript is an open-source framework for developing mobile apps using Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS and Vue.
> Access to Android and iOS APIs
> Strong backend support
Corona SDK
Corona SDK is a cross-platform framework ideal for creating mobile apps & games for mobile devices and desktop systems.
Latest Version: 2020.3595
Corona SDK Features:
> Real-time device testing
> Ability to call any native library
Framework7 a free and open-source framework to develop hybrid mobile or web apps for iOS and Android devices.
Framework7 Features:
> Built-in FastClick library
> Clear JS API
Latest Version: 7.1.1
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Not sure about the suitable mobile app framework?
Thick Brush Stroke
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